Roger Perié
Roger has over 30 years of experience both in big
companies such as Cap Gemini and Saint Gobain and as an entrepreneur with the creation of 3 companies
targeting different sectors such as astronomy,
robotics/IA and space.
He has a dual background in computer science and electronics and is a graduate of the University of Paris-Dauphine.
He has a proven track record in managing complex project and in creating innovative companies. His passion for space, based on years of personal training, combined with his technical skills and passion for innovation, have enabled him to design technological solutions for the NewSpace sector.
He has a dual background in computer science and electronics and is a graduate of the University of Paris-Dauphine.
He has a proven track record in managing complex project and in creating innovative companies. His passion for space, based on years of personal training, combined with his technical skills and passion for innovation, have enabled him to design technological solutions for the NewSpace sector.